SpAnshFIy In Da HoUse.......
Name and Location:

My Name is Rosemary Nena Delgado,I love my world that only I live and the greatest treasure anybody can have,I cherish it with my life and for my world if you dont know me by now are my three boys............We live in South Sacramento


"Member Name: SpANshFly a.k.a Rosemary[NENA]
Location: SaCrAmEnTo,CaLiFoRnIa
Birthdate: twenty-eight yrs.old
Sex: Female
Marital Status: SiNgLe FeMaLe
Hobbies: KiCkiNg it WiTh my HoMiEs ThAt WeRe ThErE FoR Me WhEn I NeEdEd ThEm MoSt..."Jose quervo"," Mary Juana","Ecstacy",and ThE BuD FaMiLy!
Occupation: Marriage is like a New Years Resolution, a commitment thats hard to keep.
Personal Quote: WhEn ThInGs Go WrOnG DoNt HeSiTatE To HiT ThAt BoNg,But WhEn YoU FiNd OuT WhOs ThE sNiTcH DoNt HeSiTaTe To HiT ThE B*Tch. .......Aint nuttin' but AOL love for you babeeeeeeeeeeeee!*****

Sacramento Chat Room..............
Been online since May6,1998 and found the Sacramento conference room in August 1998!(awww its like a anniversary coming up)Muahhhhhhh***"

What Can I Say but Aint nuttin But AOL love for you, SACRAMENTO CHAT! (and I am sincerely meaning it in a good way)">
Nuttin but AOL love for you baby............
Hobbies and Interests:

Besides the obvious of what I enjoy, (online) I enjoy fishing,playing pool,darts,laughing and laughing, enjoy most of all watching my sons laugh, because no matter what they always seem to bring the best out of me and smiles from deep within they seem to instantly do.
Favourite links

Email me at:
[email protected]

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